Sunday, June 1, 2014

"Why Are You Raising Your Voice?"

Using Your Voice in the Classroom

"Why are you raising your voice?" I asked a student this question as he responded to directions I was giving during an activity. He was very loud and my question disarmed him. I asked him this question very calmly, emphasizing the word "Why" and I did not raise my voice, in fact, I lowered my voice. Knowing how to use your voice is important as a teacher. Yes, body language is a very large part of communication. Tone follows second. Watching your tone of voice is important. Knowing when to put that irritating note in your voice is important. Knowing when to raise your voice is important. I generally do not raise my voice except in cases of emergency. I can go for weeks without raising my voice, depending on the students I am working with. So when I do raise my voice (not scream) it startles the students (mission accomplished).

Hopefully this has you thinking about ways you can effectively use (and save) one of your most important instruments as a teacher -- your voice.

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