Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Preparing for the Interview

How to Prepare for the Interview

Congratulations! You are scheduled for the interview! You cleared the preliminary hurdles and now you are about to meet your prospective employer face to face. In some cases the preliminary steps may include submitting your paperwork and a telephone interview. Either way, you made it! Once you walk through the door you are 80% there, according to Woody Allen, who said, "80% of success is just showing up." So now what do you do?

Bring All of Your Paperwork

Save yourself an extra trip to personnel and bring the originals of all your clearances (FBI, State and Child Abuse) as well as your social security card and drivers license or state identification. Check out this link:
You will not be able to start working until you provide this information. I would recommend putting your original resume, teaching philosophy, teacher examination scores, teaching certificate, transcript(s), references, and clearances in a portfolio. It looks professional and it is a convenience way to keep your papers neat and clean. In my portfolio, I also include a lesson plan, and attachments. If I worked before and students give me thank you cards and etc., I include those items in the back of the portfolio. 

Dress for Success

It is a  good idea to have at least two interview outfits. Once business suit and one very nice business casual outfit. I wear the suit to the first interview and the business casual outfit to the second interview or training session. I make sure I am as neat as a pin and I wear light perfume or none at all. I usually wear lightly scented lotion. Some people are sensitive to smells and others are allergic to perfume. You do not want to unpleasantly distract your interviewer with what they think is a sickly sweet or pungent smell. Wear stylish, yet comfortable shoes that do not make a lot of noise when you walk. As a teacher, you would not be wearing high heels anyway. And, during your interview, you will probably have to walk around a lot to complete the orientation process.

The Interview

Hopefully, you have gotten a good night's sleep. You also need to a good breakfast that is low in sugar so you do not experience the sugar crash. You may have to answer questions like, What is your teaching style? What is your management style? Do you plan to use technology in the classroom? And, if you have taught before (even as a student teacher), have your ever lost control of a classroom? The answer to the last question must be "no," or you will loose the job. Trust me, when asked if you have ever lost control of a classroom, the answer must be NO! Here is a link to more teacher interview questions:


You want to be cordial, pleasant and professional in your demeanor towards everyone you meet, including other candidates. You want to arrive early in case you get lost or there is traffic. If being late is unavoidable (vehicles breakdown and accidents happen), contact the prospective employer immediately. Bring water and a snack in case you are there for a while. Turn the ringer off on your phone so it does not interrupt the interview or orientation (which may occur on the same day). Before you walk through the door, take some smooth deep breaths, and relax. You have done your best -- look forward to success.

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